anarko kapitalizm ne demek?

Anarcho-capitalism, a political philosophy that advocates for a stateless society where all services, including law enforcement, are provided by private companies in a free market. Anarcho-capitalists believe that individuals should be free to engage in voluntary exchanges and contracts without government interference.

In an anarcho-capitalist society, property rights are paramount and an individual's right to own and use property is considered sacrosanct. Disputes would be settled through private arbitration and legal systems rather than government courts.

Critics of anarcho-capitalism argue that a society without a government to provide essential services such as law enforcement, infrastructure, and social welfare programs would lead to chaos and inequality, with the wealthy and powerful dominating the weak and vulnerable.

Anarcho-capitalism has its roots in classical liberal and libertarian philosophies and has been championed by thinkers such as Murray Rothbard, David D. Friedman, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. It is considered a fringe ideology by many mainstream political theorists and economists.